Društvo Trillek

društvo za ohranitev starih običajev

v četrtem desetletju

Društvo Trillek

Z ustanovitvijo društva Trillek so se na Colu nadaljevale aktivnosti iz obdobja mladinske organizacije, oziroma Odbora za pripravo novoletne proslave, ki je bil ustanovljen leta 1986. Glavni projekti in aktivnosti, ki so se ohranili do danes so: novoletna proslava, Colski časnik, miklavževanje, Colska nedelja in prikaz košnje po starem.


Bubin tek na Javornik

Avtor logotipa je Matej Peljhan, ki je bil eden pobudnikov prvega teka in pohoda na Javornik v spomin na Silva Tratnika – Bubo...

Colska nedelja

Colska nedelja je prvič potekala leta 1989 na pobudo domačega harmonikaša in zaljubljenca v narodnozabavno glasbo Ivana Benčine (ansambel bratov Benčina)...

Colski glasbeni oder

S prireditvijo Colski glasbeni oder smo obeležili uspešen zaključek akcije za nakup novega prireditvenega odra in postavitev zvočne izolacije v telovadnici.

Košnja po starem

Društvo Trillek s Cola že desetletje in pol obuja spomin na ročno košnjo. Ne gre za prireditev, ampak bolj za nostalgičen ali celo intimen spomin na življenje na kmetih pred desetletji.


Prinašal je, kolikor je pač mogel; včasih samo nekaj orehov in jabolk, drugič velike in bleščeče stvari. Zapisal se je v srca celim generacijam otrok.

Novoletna proslava

Novoletne proslave potekajo z manjšo prekinitvijo zaradi gradnje nove telovadnice od leta 1986, ko smo v starem Prosvetnem domu pripravili prvo.

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Posnetki društva Trillek

46 Videos




Posnetki društva Trillek

46 Videos

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About us

The Trillek Society, a society for the preservation of the old habits and customs
Col 78 5273 Col
Founded on April 30, 1991

Internet site: www.trillek.si
E-mail: drustvo.trillek@gmail.com
Tax number: 89288505 (we are not liable to pay taxes)
Account number: 04751-001102116 at NKBM
Register number: 54922220

The president and legal representative: Sandi Škvarč
Secretary Silvan Praček
Accountant: Dušan Koren

Founder members:

  • Matjaž Bizjak
  • Ivan Žgavec
  • Marjan Peljhan †
  • Silvan Praček
  • Janko Škvarč
  • Simon Škvarč
  • Sandi Škvarč
  • Damijan Kobal
  • Lucijan Trošt
  • Janez Kovšca
Kolendar dogodkov
September 2024

In the third decade

In the year 1986 the youth of that time in Col organized among each other under the committee for the preparations of the New Year’s party. Five years later, on the 30th April 1991 the society Trillek was founded due to numerous activities that had been held. This very society will celebrate its 15th anniversary of activities this year. We have been more or less active in the village, with some of the recognizable events as the Colska nedelja (A Sunday on Col), an exhibition of the hay harvest as it was held in the old times, activities around the St. Nicholas Day, sports activities, New Year’s celebrations and as the last Colski časnik (a magazine reporting about the events in Col). These activities make us known also in the wider areas. We cannot judge about our success, yet the responses are positive. Nonetheless, as each thing also our events could be made better and improved. The fact that Col is still a village that can step together when it is necessary is an important element in our activities. Actually, I believe we could be a model many a time to others. Such atmosphere makes it easier to be active and more successful. An example of such kind is the newly finished project of a purchase of a new stage and the event Colski glasbeni oder (Col’s Musical Performance).

I took over the leadership a year ago and apart from current activities with the spotlight Colska nedelja, last year unfortunately cancelled, I sorted out some formalities. We opened a bank account and authorized a private agency from Ajdovščina for the accountant matters.

Although physical work still ranks high there are small and administrative works to be found in every society which are difficult to be noticed and assessed. Among such successes we can count money raised with the help of the sponsors, we have also won some tenders put out by the city council. These are also golden sources as the right approach and stamina can give many things in return.

One of the future goals of the society has to be a steady expansion of the members. Boys from the ‘informal’ society Štirlek have been active for quite some time, for bigger and more important actions we should strengthen ourselves with new members. A weakness in the days when most of the things can be achieved only by clicking Enter is a lack of initiative and incentive. This is a field where a big step in advance could be done and at least a small part of those plans could be realized in the following years.

The president Sandi Škvarč

Col with surroundings

The surrounding

If you want to see the Vipava valley, the small villages spreading all over the countryside, fields rich in cereals than Col gives a nice opportunity to see all that. The village lies in the altitude of 612 m and it is situated where the flysch and the Carso plateaus meet. There is a high Nanos overgrown with forests so that rare brooms appear almost shyly inbetween. And to continue Hrušica, on its calm and windless crest most of the houses were built in the past, today there are new houses being built all over the slope. Above Col there are Kovk with Sončarica where Noe should have tied his ship, Belunc, Riženberk and Križna Gora and Špečk (all hills) with the crucifix on the top.

The highest mountain near to Col is the Streliški peak (1265 meters above the sea level), under its peak there is a plane Kraljiška ravan. There the Hunnish king Attila should have seen Friuli and the Adriatic Sea. At the sight of such fertile land he ordered his army to advance.

But the soil is poor as the people are modest. They would pick and drag all the stones and rocks from the sinkholes only to make a few meters of apoor land to be cultivated and above the holes they made stone walls some up to 10 metres high. Some of them were later nicely shaped by the nature itself.; as near Žagolič Hudičeva miza (the Devil’s table) and the Slovene sphinx. The evenings were spent singing songs of hard work, pain, memories, love and happiness.

History of place

The history

The village Col emerged on the road connection between Aquilea and Emona (today Ljubljana), there was a Roman road. The fortification at Šance, Šturmank and Riženberk speak of Col’s importance in the defence system of Clauster Alpium Ilirium. This was a fortified line meant to protect the Roman Empire from the invasion of the Barbian tribes. They were made of untilled stone and without mortar. Also during the battle at the Cold River Col presented the very hinterland. Col was first mentioned in the land register on the 4th October 1345. In the Middle ages the baron Flachenfeld built the castle on Col. It was built in such a way that it spread over the road and enabled a total roadblock of the traffic to Hrušica. This very vault gave the name to the village at the beginning; Podvelb (Unter dem Gewelbe). The vault was pulled down in 1840. Today’s name Col resembles the ‘colnina (tax), this was a taxation on the goods drove thereby to Logatec and Idrija. There is another sightseeing to be mentioned before one comes to Col. These are the remains of the castle Trillek, of which only the tower is well preserved all the rest is falling apart. The castle first belonged to the counts Trillek and later they came into the ownership of the nobles Abramsaberg (they cam from Šturje). Theirs was the castle until the death of the last two members. Since then it has been falling into ruins. In the last century they found a millstone in the castles garden which was dedicated to Julij Odpadnik (361-362) made of grey local limestone.
